Help Your Neighbors In Need.

Your neighbors need you now more than ever in these difficult times.

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Your neighbors need you now more than ever in these difficult times.

More To Valley Than Handouts

A story of perserverance, support and friendship

My name is Kristina and I am sending this email to you to share my story and to recognize Valley Interfaith; especially, Maria and Dr. Ron. I hope you'll take time to read it.

My story is actually way longer but I asked John to help edit it down for an email that people will take time to read through.

God has blessed me with many people in my life that have led me to this moment. I’m a firm believer in speaking your truth and knowing somehow someway I can inspire others to walk with God...

I was born and raised in California to two drug addicted parents. A mother that was into voodoo and literally had 666 tattooed on her neck. She was hardcore. She was broken.

A father that I’m still to the day not 100 percent sure is actually my bio father but I still claim him bc he’s all I’ve known. I won’t give him much more credit than that because a good father he was not.

At 6 years old my mother decided she couldn’t take care of me and I still remember the day she dropped me at his front door. My father remarried a woman and may have been the role model of the evil stepmother in Cinderella. Like Cinderella, I became her maid and punching bag. I was made to feel like I was their burden. I was forced to stand in corners for hours, beatin with belts. I had to grow up quick.

It felt like every single person I trusted has betrayed me, used me, or worked against me. I was young and struggled to understand why and still do at times.

I was set up to fail and I did in every way possible. At 19 I became pregnant with my first child. Not until the day I gave birth did I even know what unconditional love was. My son gave me that. He brought me happiness. Something I never even knew the feeling of.

I went on to have 3 more children.. My youngest daughters dad was the evilest, cruelest, craziest person to enter my life. Unfortunately for me I was still too young and ignorant to understand the depth of his demons.

Broken and defeated by all these people that seemed to be working together to destroy me and take everything I love.

Fast forward some time and I was homeless. I have no idea how I survived. I went to a women's facility in Lockland and that is where I met Maria and Dr. Ron. I was losing hope.

The only reason I’ve made it this far is God and the few people he sent me. Maria came into my life exactly when I thought there was no hope. When I needed her most. I was exhausted mentally and physically and I was at the end of my rope.

The one thing I looked forward to was the group ran by Maria and Dr. Ron because they were like a ray of sunshine in a black hole. From the moment I laid eyes on Maria I knew God sent her to help me.

They faithfully showed up every week and I grew closer and closer to Maria as the weeks passed. Luckily I was given a phone one day for work and that’s when everything changed. I was literally about to walk out the door and back into a world of destruction.

Maria made a call and I was rescued. I give all the thanks to her. She is selfless. I know she didn’t have to do what she did. I know God put her there to help me. I know without her I just might not be here on this earth. I know her heart is good and she finds great joy in helping others.

I am so thankful for Valley Interfaith for having Maria and Dr. Ron on the team and having them have the ability to reach out to help and connect with those in need beyond getting food or clothing.

I've been sober for quite some time. I have a job. I am doing well and recently was able to come visit with Maria, Dr. Ron and Valley while also volunteering for a function at the facility.

I hope my story inspires others to understand how much more is done by Valley's team well after the doors shut for pantry services. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the food and the clothing - they helped me survive. But, Dr. Ron, Maria, John and the team - they helped me thrive.

I know this economy is creating difficulty for them...they're important. If you can give; please consider. There are more people like me out there who need Valley.

Together we can make life better for our neighbors in need - and the community!

Kristina G

Proud and Thankful Former Member of Valley Interfaith

PS: I am a volunteer and a donor to Valley Interfaith. I've experienced their blessings. I hope consider giving.